Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
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“Stjepan Bujan – Stipić” County Tamburica Orchestra was founded in Čakovec in October 1997. The orchestra has carried the name of its long-time conductor, Stjepan Bujan – Stipić, since his early demise in 2005, as a way of honouring and acknowledging his work. Since its first public performance in 1998, the orchestra has performed all across Croatia and its neighbouring countries, winning many awards in state competitions. So far, the orchestra has won more than dozen “Pajo Kolarić Tambura” plaques (ten golden, one silver and two bronze) at the International festival of Croatian tambura music in Osijek. It is regularly ranked in top three at the “Tamburica Orchestra and Ensemble Gathering” organised by the Croatian Cultural Association, and in 2018 it won the first prize for the best performance of a domestic author and the third prize for the overall performance. Also, in 2019, the orchestra won a gold certificate at the 10th International Youth Festival in Bratislava.
Tomislav Cvrtila (Koprivnica, 1986) graduated from Music Pedagogy at the Music Academy in Zagreb. At the end of his study, he started working at the Music School Fortunat Pintarić in Koprivnica as a professor of music theory and the head of the children's choir. His choir has achieved a remarkable result at the "Music Festival of the Croatian Music Youth" in Varaždin. Since 2013, he is a regular member of the County Judicial Committee for Choirs at the "Music Festival of the Croatian Music Youth" in Varaždin. In the same year he started working at the Music School in Varaždin as a professor of music theory, tambura (a tradicional Croatian musical instrument) and the head of the children's choir with whom he has won numerous awards at home and abroad. The most significant international awards he won were "The International Youth Choir Festival, Celje, Slovenia", "The 4th Music Competition of Town Palmanova" and "The 14th Croatian Singing Choir Competition - Zagreb 2018". Since 2015 he has been the head of the mixed choir "Dr Vinko Žganec“ in Vratišinec. In 2017 he takes over the managing of County Tamburitza Orchestra ''Stjepan Bujan Stipić“ from Čakovec and achieves outstanding results on national shows and international competitions. Since the academic year 2018/2019, he has been working as an assistant at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Čakovec where he has been conducting exercises from the Methodology of Music Culture, Musical Practice and Choir Singing.
назад на список ансамблейBratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
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