Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
Словацкая Республика
The Choir of the Church of All Saints in Bojná is focuseds on practissing and interpretating of temple choir music. It is interested in music from Gregorian chant to contemporary music which is sung „a capella“ or with accompaniment of musical instruments such as organ, guitar or flute. The choir has performed on many festivals, shows and concerts in Slovakia and abroad as well. Gold awards at competition of Nitra region in Topoľčany (2011, 2013), bronze award at The International festival of advent and Christmas music in Bratislava (2010) can be mentioned and the choir also participated in The International festival of church choirs in Florence, Italy (2012). The choir joined the openings of an exhibition of archaelological founds from Bojná too (Brno, Komárno, Nitra, Bratislava). Members of the choir organize The Festival of church choirs named Bojnianske zvony in Bojná each year since 2004.
The conductor Peter Medek (* 1970) graduated the Conservatory in Bratislava, trombone playing. He was even interested in conducting during his studies. He is currently a teacher of the Church's Music School St. Luke in Topoľčany and is the organist of the parish church of all saints in Bojná as well.
назад на список ансамблейBratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
Словацкая Республика