Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
At the Zilina Conservatory he studied piano, singing and choir conducting. After graduating with a degree in Choral Conducting at the University of Performing Arts (VSMU) in Bratislava under the tutelage of Prof. Peter Hradil, he continued his studies in sacred music at VSMU. He also continued his studies of Gregorian Chant with Prof. J.Kohlhaufl at the University for Music and Darstellende Kunst in Vienna where he is the author of the first Slovak professional publication on Gregorian chant: ”Súčasné smery v interpretácii gregorianskeho choralu” (Current Directions in Interpretation of Gregorian Chant). He actively cooperates in the interpretation of Gregorian chant with Prof. Dr. F.K. Prassl from Graz and Prof. Dr. J.B. Goschl from Munich. Milan Kolena was an assistant with the Chlapčenský zbor (Boys´ choir) in Bratislava and was conductor of the Spevácky zbor bratislavských učitelov (Bratislava Teachers‘ Choir). In addition, he currently serves as conductor of Schola Gregoriana Bratislavensis. Milan Kolena teaches choir conducting and Gregorian chant at VŠMU. Since 1998 Milan Kolena has been the Art Director of the International Sacred Music Choir Festival Námestovské hudobné slavnosti, Musica Sacra in Bratislava, Slovakia Cantat, Festival of Advent and Christmas Music in Bratislava, Slovakia. He is active as a Jury member at national and international choral competitions in Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Slovakia. He has led many workshops and seminars about vocal polyphony, Gregorian chant and Slovak contemporary music. During 2004-2006 together with Schola Gregoriana Bratisalvensis recorded 3 CDs of Bratislava antiphons for Slovak National Library.
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Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4