Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
The choir „Clavis Cordium“ arose on 24 June 1992 in Most. Mgr. Eva Šimkova, who established this ensemble, is its conductress. Piano accompaniment is supported by Mrs Milena Bittnerová, occasionally Mgr. Dana Řepová, too. During the first years of the activity the choir tried to find its own way, built its repertoire, tested the stamina each of the vocalists. The choir performed as a Women´s choir Most for ten years of its activity. Then it chose a new name – Clavis Cordium – The Key To Hearts. It associates women of the age 25 to 73. The repertoire consists of folk songs and their arrangements, works of Czech and world composers, serious pieces of contemporary authors. The committee of this social association, which has 37 members, thinks all the time about next projects. The choir performs not only in the region to represent dignifiedly its town Most, but represents firstly the Czech Republic at international enterprises.
Mgr. Eva Šimková studied at Charles University in Prague, she majored Czech language and Music. After graduation, she worked as a teacher of kindergarten, elementary school and later she taught at hight school. She was an active member of the girl´s choir even as a student. Choral singing became her lifelong hobby. Eva Šimková led the choir of children of kindergarten, elementary school choir and the Girl´s choir of Pedagogical school. In 1992 she founded Female choir Most, which after ten years of operation was given the name Clavis Cordium (The Key To Hearts). She achieved with female choir Clavis Cordium many successes in international events. Choir has won many awards in international competitions for twelve years participation - one bronze medal, one silver medal, seven silver zones and a Special Jury Prize for dramaturgy. The choir will celebrate on June 24 under the leadership of Mgr. Simkova 25 years of successful activity.
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Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4