Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
The Choir Máj of Žilina city was founded in 1984 and last year celebrated 30th anniversary of the foundation. During its 30-years existence the choir was led by four conductors and took part on several festivals, festive occasions of Žilina city, other Slovak cities and abroad as well – Austria, Poland, Czech Republic and Croatia. The performance in Supetar – Croatia is planned this summer again, as it was last several years.The repertoire consists of sacred, secular and folk composition by domestic and foreign authors. The average age of singers is about 70 years the repertoire is adapted to this fact.
Nowadays the choir is conducted by Ms Margita Klimíková, who was active many years as teacher of music and sang in Mixed Choir of Zilina before and parochial choir. She now uses the acquired experience in conducting, using the rythm of spoken word and her musical notion comes right from the heart.
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Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4