Bratislava Music Agency
Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4
The mixed choir Musica Oeconomica Pragensis is a free time aktivity for the students of the University of Economy in Prague. It was founded in 2001 and its first conductor was Mr Ota Friedl. Two years after the artistic direction was taken over by Marina and Kryštof Spirit. Its members are the students and graduates of the University of Economy and of other universities in Prague. The choir participated at the international choral festival Europees muzikfestival voor de jezd in belgian city of Neerpelt twice where they were awarded prize „cum laude“ in 2004. They also won at Praga Cantat festival the same year. Among their great successes are the gold bands from the international competitions – 2011 Europe and its Songs in Barcelona, 2012 Sing´n´Joy Vienna, 2013 Canti veris Prague.Their repertoire is vast – from Renaissance music to the contemporary music. The choir also cooperated with the Prague Chamber Phillharmonic Orchestra or with the Phillharmony Teplice several time. In 2010 the choir recorded its first CD „A Little Jazz Mass“.
Kryštof Spirit (1979) je absolventom odboru Hudobná veda na Filozofickej fakulte UK v Prahe. Zbormajstrovstvo študoval na Pedagogickej fakulte UK a dirigovanie súkromne u dirigenta marka Valáška. Zbormajstrovkú prax začal ako asistent dirigenta v súbore Bach-Collegium Praha. do roku 2007 viedol komornú spevácku skupinu KIKS a v súčasnosti vedie spolu s manželkou zmiešaný zbor Musica Oeconomica Pragensis pri VŠE v Prahe. od roku 2011 je umeleckým vedúcim súboru Ensemble Hilaris, ktorý sa zameriava prevažne na hudbu renesancie a baroka. Pravidelne spolupracuje ako dirigent s Pražskou komornou filharmóniou na interaktívnych koncertoch pre deti.
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Záhumenská 3/A
841 06 Bratislava 4